Selecting Your First Billiard Pool Cue Stick

There are many things to consider when making that first, all important pool cue purchase.  Going at it alone can be challenging, especially if you are a novice or a beginner.  Even still, if you want to develop your skills and become a better billiards player, then you must eventually purchase your own cue stick.  Finding the right one may be somewhat difficult, but if you know what to look for when purchasing a new pool cue, even as a novice, you can make a very intelligent decision when making that important, first-cue purchase.

For your first stick, select a pool cue that is not too expensive, definitely keeping it under $200.  Take a more experienced friend with you to help, if necessary.  Look over the cue stick for flaws in its straightness, finish and inlays before going any further.

Just about all cues have a standard length of 57-59 inches.  Only a few reasons exist to stray from the standard pool cue length.  If one is extremely short or tall, a shorter or longer cue stick may be chosen, respectively.  Also, a smaller billiard room may, in some scenarios, force the use of a shorter stick.  Otherwise, stick with a standard cue length.

Straightness is obviously very important.  If your cue is crooked, your shot may be, too.  To check the straightness of a cue stick, first hold the butt end, or bumper, up to your eye and look straight down the shaft towards the tip, rolling the cue in your hands ever so slightly.  There should be no variations, or “bounce,” in the circumference of the cue.  If this is ok, then take the stick and roll it across a flat surface.  The cue should roll smoothly with no wobbling.  Even the slightest wobble indicates a crooked pool cue.

Next, check to see that all of the cue’s connections are smooth and uninterrupted.  Examine where the ferrule meets the shaft and, if handling a two-piece stick, where the two pieces of the shaft screw together.  Run your fingers over these areas of the pool cue to make sure they are flush and even.

Then check the finish and wrap of the pool cue more closely.  The clear finish should be free of bubbles and the wrapping should be tight and obviously free of discoloring and frays.  Remember, the aesthetic quality of a cue stick can affect a player’s confidence level and the ability to shoot well.

Once you have found a cue you like, perform a few shots with it to see how it feels in your hands.  Actually sinking the balls is not as important as testing the cue stick’s features with a variety of both hard and soft shots.  If the pool cue feels good in your hands, then look no further.  If it does not feel right, then find another.  Your first pool cue and it’s every feature must feel right in terms of  weight, balance, smoothness, and shaft qualities, even down to the feel of the leather wrap.  Keep these tips in mind when choosing your new pool cue, and I have confidence you will make the right decision.

A number of hardwood and graphite billiard pool cue sticks are available at Billiard N Bar Stools, all guaranteed for straightness and accuracy.  We offer both themed and designer cue sticks, and the prices are virtually unbeatable, yielding a ton of great options for your first pool cue.

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Splits – Dealer’s Choice Split Pot Poker

The game I refer to as “Splits” is a Dealer’s Choice poker game.  It utilizes many aspects of poker and is named Splits for two reasons.  First, it is a split pot game, in which two winners divide the pot in half at the end.  Also, there is always a two-number combination to choose from, which will be explained shortly.   Any way you see it, Splits has definite advantages over other Dealer’s Choice poker games, and should be considered as an addition to your list of poker games.

In Splits, the rules and game play are quite simple. Two random numbers are chosen to begin the game, and the object is to obtain a point total as close to or equal to one of the two chosen numbers. Common number choices for Splits include 5 ½ – 21 ½, 7 – 27, or 13 – 33. Notice that each in each of the examples above, there is at least a 15-point difference, and one of the choices even deals in halves. This is for two reasons. First, Splits is, as it suggests, a split-pot poker game, in which the pot is almost always split between at least two people. So in 13 – 33, for example, the closest player to 13 points and the closest to 33 points split the winnings in half. Second, all face cards are worth only ½ point, while aces are worth either 1 or 11 points, and all numbered cards are face value. Therefore, if playing 5 ½ – 21 ½, it is possible to hit half numbers, as well as whole ones.

Splits is dealt out similarly to 5-Card Stud, with the exception being that a player can opt to take as many cards as he wants, even if he has already passed during a round. To explain, after the ante has been called, the dealer deals each player one card face down and one card face up. For betting purposes, the person with the highest point total showing bets first or checks. After the first round of betting, the dealer then, in a clockwise rotation, asks everyone else if they would like another card. Remember, if your point total matches the amount of points required for that particular Splits game, then do not draw anymore cards, as you are already guaranteed half of the pot. A player can pass on drawing a card at anytime, then come back and draw on a subsequent turn if desired.

After each round of drawing a card, a round of betting commences. When no one wants to draw anymore cards, there is a final round of betting, and the hand is over.  The two players closest to the two selected Splits numbers with their own total points are the winners. For example, if you are playing 13 – 33 and you have 13 points on the nose, you split the winnings with the player closest to 33 points. Also, in most cases, a player can overshoot a number and still be closest to it (33 ½ points would be a winner over 32 points if playing 13 – 33). The only times a pot is not split in half is when either one player can total both amounts by using aces (i.e. three aces will give a player both 13 and 33 points) or if two players are equidistant from a number (i.e. if one player has 12 points and one has 14 points, they will each take ¼ of the pot, while the player closest to 33 points takes the other ½).

Many different forms of Splits can be utilized, too.  In order to change things around and make the game even more interesting, you could pass the deal, try out other number combinations that are further apart or use more than two numbers (therefore having more than two winners), count only red cards and make red cards worth no points, or make it so you cannot go past your target number, like when playing Blackjack.  Using these variations, along with large pot sizes, will most likely make Splits a top game in your Dealer’s Choice poker game repertoire.

Check out Billiard N Bar Stools to view more articles on a variety of poker and billiard games.

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Ideas to Make any Billiard Game More Exciting

Even though there are a large number of billiard and pool games out there to choose from, most people do not have a billiard game repertoire of more than 15 or 20 games, maximum.  Of course you could always go out and learn new games.  That is always an option.  There are, however, a number of things one can do to make any billiard game more interesting, some of which are described below.

Handing out points in any billiard game always makes it more interesting, although many games exist that already incorporate points into game play.  For example, players could modify a normal game of 8-Ball by assessing points to the player with balls left on the table.  Keep playing over and over until a predetermined point total has been reached by one player or another (50-100 points is average).  In this particular case, the person with the lowest amount of points is the winner, just like in golf.  Scoring more points in this scenario means you are leaving more balls on the table than your opponents – usually a no-no in billiard games.  And points can be spread out in a number of ways, such as one point per ball, negative points, or giving each ball points totaling their face values.  Extra points can even be handed out for bank shots, combos, rail shots or leaves, as well.

Making a small wager on any billiard game is another time-tested method to make any match more exciting and competitive, yet it keeps the game on a friendly level.  And just as in any other sport, billiard games can be bet on in a number of ways, like wagering a dollar per ball left on the table, a straight-up, predetermined amount, or a double elimination tournament with a prize purse for first, second and third places.

If you are not a betting individual or points don’t interest you, try eliminating certain shots to make your billiard game more challenging.  For instance, only allow bank or masse shots instead of straight ones.  Or make combination shots the only way to sink a ball, having no contact between the cue and object balls.  Or just use certain pockets, like the two sides; or pick two corners.  Anything sunk in a non designated pocket gets spotted by your opponent anywhere on the table.

Inventing new ways to spice up your billiard game is generally not too difficult.  Try one of these methods next time your billiard room experience becomes dull or monotonous.  Or think up methods of your own.  Livening up your billiard play will, in turn, increase your overall experience every time you step foot into your billiard room.  For more information regarding home billiards, visit Billiard N Bar Stools.

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Billiard & Rec Room Gift Ideas for NHL Hockey Fans

Do you know an avid hockey fan, always looking for the newest souvenir of their favorite NHL team?  Or maybe you are looking for a number of NHL logo items to start a theme in your billiard or rec room from scratch.  Finding NHL related gifts, furniture and décor is usually not too difficult.  The hard part is figuring out what it is exactly that you need.  Just knowing you want something with a Saint Louis Blues logo doesn’t quite narrow it down enough.  And surely you don’t want to buy someone something they already own as a gift.  Some great NHL hockey gift ideas (and what to do with them) for the diehard hockey fan are listed below.

If you or the person in question has a rec room or billiard table, finding a hockey-related gift is a bit simpler.  Consider all of the furniture selections for a billiard room or activity area that are available.  You could select an NHL logo pool cue wall rack or pool table light.  Having no pool table is no big deal.  A set of NHL logo bar stools and a pub table goes great in the corner of any rec room or bar.  NHL logo bar stools are actually quite affordable and can be used in a number of places in your home, including a bar, garage or workbench area, a kitchen breakfast counter, or even on a patio or in the kids’ playroom.

A NHL logo neon wall clock is also a great idea.  It is a relatively inexpensive gift idea and will add class to any room in your house.  And since there are so many different colors associated with NHL team logos, many colors of neon can be used to match just about any room in your home.  And get an NHL team emblem mirror to hang next to your clock.  Neither of these items takes up any extra space at all, yet they both attribute to a soothing, aesthetic atmosphere in any den, office, or billiard or rec room.

Many smaller NHL items can also be considered.  If the person you are buying for is a beer connoisseur, perhaps a collection of NHL team logo pilsners or steins would look good on a trophy case or display shelf.  Or a couple of NHL team logo pennants may compliment your family room nicely.  Some other smaller hockey gift ideas include car flags, lawn and outdoor house decorations, ball caps and attire, magazine racks, license plate frames, keys and key chains, and more; the list goes on and on.

Hopefully, some of these ideas will help you out.  Finding NHL logo related souvenirs and memorabilia is relatively easy.  Smaller, more accessible items can usually be found in local stores in or around the city of any residing NHL team.  I personally favor the internet simply because it is fast, easy, and resourceful. With just a few clicks and searches, I can usually find whatever NHL team emblem I am looking for.  Also, prices of NHL-related décor on the internet are comparable to any local “brick and mortar” storefront, so you should get a fair deal either way.  For a number of NHL team logo related gift ideas, including furniture and decor, visit Billiard N Bar Stools, and good luck choosing a new hockey gift for your friend or to complete your billiard or rec room theme!

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When Confronted with a Zombie Hoard, Head for Your Billiard Room

Zombie attacks are becoming more and more prevalent every day.  With exponential accounts accumulating all over the planet, the undead outbreak poses an even larger and larger threat to you and your family members.  Many people are extremely undereducated about the undead and are convinced that finding a crowd or well-known public area will provide safety in numbers.  Those only find themselves later screaming in agonizing, bite-wrenching pain when they become overtaken by an undead hoard.  Actually, one of the safest places to be during a zombie attack, if you have one, is your home billiard room.  For various reasons, other rooms in your house would not be as safe.  For instance, your kitchen is full of sharp weapons, which is good for your defense…and plenty of windows to be easily seen by wandering corpses, which is not good for your defense.  And if you are toying with the idea of walking outside to get a shovel or pick axe out of your tool shed, I would have to ask if you are suicidal.  Unless you are migrating to a less populated area, always try to remain indoors.

Why a billiard room, you ask? A number of reasons exist, with some being more obvious than others. First of all, any room inside of your home is far more zombie-proof than any public place, because it is private and quiet. Attention is drawn to loudness and chaos, and the undead are said to have heightened sensory perception, being able to see, hear, and smell their “food” from very far distances. Being in your home will attract virtually no unwanted attention and allow you to keep a low profile, therefore keeping you much safer.

Your home billiard room is a great choice to set up your defenses and ward off a potential zombie threat. An upstairs billiard room is ideal, as the undead have a major problem with stairs, but let’s focus on a downstairs billiard room, as that is more common.

First, no matter where your billiard room is located in your home, make sure you have an accessible escape route. Placing yourself in a “one way in, one way out” situation may seem logical and safe at first, but it also traps you in a corner once zombies break in. And believe me. They WILL get in! A tiny little basement window or a hidden hole in the wall leading to another room will usually suffice.  And little escape openings are better than large ones, as you want to easily fit through without the walking dead easily following you.

Next, a major advantage of a billiard room is the furniture it contains, especially the pool table. Because of its sheer size, a pool table has many defensive uses. Pushing a pool table up against a closed billiard room door, stacked high with bar stools, pub tables, lights, chairs and anything else you can find will create a strong and heavy barrier against you and the undead hoard. Plus, a pool table is both long and wide, making it hard for a zombie to grab you and pull you in for your final meal (where you are the main course).  Or perhaps you could even get more creative. If you have access to a saw and firearms, saw your billiard room door in half horizontally, so that the top part will swing open while the bottom part is barricaded by the pool table. Now you have yourself an undead shooting gallery. Just hope and pray that you do not run out of bullets before you run out of zombies to shoot.

A ton of other items in your billiard room are quite effective in hand-to-hand combat. Remember, to kill a zombie, it must suffer massive brain trauma, as its brain is the only part of it that is still somewhat alive. Crushing a zombie’s skull with a couple of billiard balls shoved in your sock is usually an effective method. Or crack a pool cue in half. Pool cues make great weapons against a zombie’s mushy skin and skull, especially since a pool cue is long and pointed to begin with. Just keep in mind that sharp, pointed objects and bludgeoning items work best. Broken pool cues, darts, your collection of beer mugs, glass from a mirror or neon light, and even some furniture provide as great stabbing weapons and projectiles. Even the legs of your bar stools can be used to impale a zombie in the forehead. Or turn the bar stool around and use it as a bat, as long as you are strong enough to swing it repeatedly with speed and accuracy. Hitting a zombie in the head hard enough with any object, even your hand (although doing this will put you at severe risk of infection), can result in a zombie kill.

Above all, remember one of the golden rules.  He who panics first dies first.  Actually, he who panics gets everyone else killed first, then he dies.  So remember, if you feel like panicking, get away from me first.  I do not want to get killed because of someone else’s stupidity.  However, if you keep your head about you and make it to your billiard room unharmed, the above advice contained will help keep you safe during the next undead invasion…at least for a short time.

For more information how to defend yourself from a potential zombie threat, or if you just feel like browsing our site to see what we have just in case, check us out at Billiard N Bar Stools.

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Bar Stools: Uses Beyond the Bar and Billiard Room

Out of all of the decor one keeps in his home, one of the more versatile pieces of furniture to own is, believe it or not, bar stools.  Bar stools offer a variety of uses, with some being more obvious and practical than others.  Obviously, you cannot keep your personal items in your bar stool, or lie down in it and go to sleep.  Still, a bar stool (or a set of bar stools) will not only have multiple uses, but will also add aesthetic, eye-pleasing decor to almost any room in your house.

Let’s start with the obvious – a bar or rec room.  Since this is a bar stool’s natural environment, not much needs to be discussed.  Just make sure you do not go overboard on the amount of stools in any one area.  2-4 bar stools for any home bar is sufficient, and will add nice ambiance without leaving a cramped or cluttered feeling.  For a billiard or rec room, two pub stools with a matching pub table and hanging Tiffany lamp fit perfectly in the corner and should not interfere with any game play or rec room activities.

Similarly, the kitchen is also worth mentioning.  Anyone who has a breakfast island or counter knows that bar stools are usually the perfect height to chow down on some eggs and toast before work or school.  And when you are finished, simply push the stool under the counter, out of the way until you need it again.  Also, a couple of extra bar stools lined up against a kitchen wall or dispersed in corners can, in fact, add to the aesthetic atmosphere of your kitchen or dining area, while, at the same time, provide extra seating, if required.

Working in the garage and at the tool bench are two more settings where a bar stool comes in handy.  It is nice to sit down while trying to fix something at your workbench, and a bar stool seems to be just the right height.  Or perhaps a pub stool with your favorite car logo would look good in your garage next to your classic, vintage vehicle, yet prove to be extremely useful if you find yourself making repairs or restoring an old fix-me-up.

Many other bar stool uses come to mind with just a bit of imagination.  For example, most bar stools operate on a swivel spin system, which provides hours of amusement for any child looking to get a little dizzy.  It can also be used as a small counter for anything you need to constantly rotate, especially if you need both hands free to work on something, like when decorating a cake or oiling a large, heavy car part.  It is much easier to spin the object on a bar stool (or something like one) than it is to move yourself around the object with which you are working.

Bar stools provide tons of practical applications in almost any home, and their size and versatility provide many advantages over other pieces of furniture, even including folding chairs and tv trays.  Folding chairs, although they can be stored easily and hidden out of sight, do not provide any aesthetic value, whereas bar stools can add a certain ambiance to almost any room in your home.

For more articles on bar stools and decorating your home billiard or rec room, and to browse our large assortment of pool room furniture and equipment, including bar stools, pub tables, Tiffany pool table lamps, cues, wall racks, neon clocks, and much more, visit us at

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Three-Ball Billiard Pool: Fast and Simple

Would you like to learn a quick and easy billiard game that has simple rules, can be played in under five minutes, and provides hours of entertainment?  If so, then 3-ball pool could be right up your alley.  Being one of the simpler games in my billiard repertoire, 3-ball is still extremely versatile, yet satisfying to all skill levels of shooters.

3-ball billiards involves a simple 3-ball triangle setup and can be played with any number of opponents or by yourself.  A single match with two players should not take any longer than five minutes.  If no opponent is available, a quick game of solo 3-ball is a great drill for leaves and anticipating a few shots ahead.

The rules of the game are quite simple.  Place three billiard balls in triangle formation on the head spot, and place your cue ball anywhere in the kitchen (behind the scratch line), as if you were breaking for a normal game of 8-ball or 9-ball.  Each billiard shot, including the break, counts as one stroke.  If a scratch occurs, it is counted as two extra strokes, plus the shot you just made, totaling three.  Each player keeps shooting until all three balls have been pocketed.  The player with the fewest strokes after each player sinks all three of their balls is the victor.If you are looking for a billiard game that is simple to understand and not very time-consuming, then 3-ball billiards is the way to go.  Make it more interesting by setting up tournaments or making small wagers with your friends.  Or incorporate it into other pool games as short bonus rounds.

Whatever your prefer, once you start, you’ll be finding yourself playing 3-ball pool over and over again, as it provides not only hours of entertainment, but also can be utilized for many practice techniques at any skill level.

For more billiard games, and for our list of billiard accessories, supplies, and decor, click on over to and see what we have to offer you.

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Selecting a Custom Theme for your Billiard Room

With all of the different choices available for home billiard and rec room themes, deciding on a particular one may be difficult.  A myriad of ideas exist for billiard room themes, from owning matching pub table and bar stools to having your favorite NHL team logo printed on your billiard table felt.  Ultimately, the theme you choose will be up to you, but maybe some of the following ideas will aid you with your decision.

First, keep a few things in mind.  Color coordination is almost always necessary for a nice looking rec room.  Whichever theme you decide to go with should be immediately apparent for anyone who steps foot into your new billiard room based on the colors you have chosen.  If your friends know you are an NHL fan and they see red and black everywhere, they should be able to figure out you went with a New Jersey Devils theme.

Also, do not limit yourself to particular theme colors just because you think you might not be able to find a matching billiard table felt color or bar top.  A myriad of table felt colors are available, including everything from black to white.  And with a bar top, anything is possible with a little bit of imagination.

So what are some theme ideas for your new billiard or rec room?  To answer this question, you first need to think about your interests and hobbies.  What is it you like to do that holds your attention for up to hours at a time?  For me, sports are my passion.  My home billiard room is based on a Saint Louis Cardinals and Rams theme, including décor such as bar stools, a dart board, rugs, pennants, beer steins, wall posters, clocks and more.

Professional sports teams are just the tip of the iceberg as far as possible themes go.  Themes can center on just about anything that comes to mind.  Some theme ideas include:

  • Pro or Collegiate Sports
  • Automotive Logos
  • Billiard or Pool Hall Theme
  • Holiday Colors or Specific Time of Year
  • Beer or Coke Logos
  • Poker Theme
  • Superhero Theme
  • Culture-Based Theme
  • Outdoor Theme
  • Animal Theme
  • Location-Based Theme (Caribbean, Las Vegas, London, etc.)
  • Hollywood Movie Theme
  • Outer Space or Zodiac Symbols
  • Beach Theme

With each theme idea, there are certain items and décor you want to consider using to liven up your new rec room.  First and foremost is the pool table.  If you have a billiard table, or you plan on buying one, consider a table felt color that pertains to your theme, like a red or black felt color for the Chicago Blackhawks, or perhaps red or golden yellow felt if you are an Iron Man fan.  Also, another big consideration to account for is the paint color and floor style of your rec room.  If you are a patriotic, Fourth of July fanatic, then go with red, white and blue colors.  Or if you fancy the Amazon Rainforest, go with greens and browns, along with a plant in every corner!  Along with the major pieces of furniture in your rec room, purchase other smaller items that go with your theme.  If you want a simple billiard theme, go with a miniature pool ball felt wall clock and an 8-Ball logo Tiffany billiard lamp.  Or if you are always having your friends come over for a few rounds to watch the big game, consider investing in some team logo bar stools and a pub table for your new home bar.  The possibilities are nearly endless.

Selecting a new billiard or rec room theme should be fun and exciting.  Hopefully this has given you some different various theme ideas that you may not have already thought of.  And keep in mind that you will most likely be spending hour upon hour in your new billiard room, so decide on something for which you have a true passion or something that reflects you as a person.  Once a theme is decided on and the decorating is complete, you will find yourself enjoying your newly-themed billiard room day after day.

For more information and articles related to billiard room decor, and to browse our hundreds of billiard room furniture products, visit us at

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Rotation: A Points Billiard Game

Of the many types of billiard games I have come to know, Rotation is one of my favorites.  It incorporates points into game play based on the billiard balls’ face values.  Since there are 120 total possible points available in each game, the competition and excitement are usually pretty fierce.  The one with the most points is the winner, but getting the most points can be tricky.

Usually Rotation pool will take a slight bit longer to play than a common game of 8- or 9-Ball.  Game play follows the form of 9-Ball in the sense that players must shoot at balls in numerical order, always striking the lowest-numbered ball on the pool table first.  All 15 balls are used and racked in order from 1 to 15.  Points are awarded throughout the game based on which players sink which balls, and each billiard ball has a point total of face value.  For instance, if Player 1 sinks the 1 ball, he or she is given one point.  If the 2 ball is dropped, then two points are awarded, and so on.  When all of the balls have been sunk, whoever has the highest point total is the winner.

Obviously, the higher-numbered balls are worth more points, and are therefore more valuable.  Combination shots are a must in Rotation because the lower-numbered balls must be hit first, while the higher-numbered ones are more desired.   There is nothing wrong with sinking the 12 ball, for example, using a combination shot and scoring 12 points, just as long as the lowest number on the table is touched first by the cue ball.  And scratches and fouls are considered “ball-in-hand” for the next player, meaning the cue ball can be spotted anywhere on the billiard table, just as in 9-Ball.

Although Rotation can be viewed as an extended version of 9-Ball and somewhat lengthy at times, it definitely has one major advantage.  Unlike many billiard games, Rotation can be played using any number of players, either odd or even.  Even if you have no opponent readily available, a solo game of Rotation can help improve your skills by practicing combos and setups to maximize your point total.  Also, since this game is based on a point system to win, it can be played individually or in teams.

The next time you are looking for something new to explore in your billiard room, give Rotation a “shot.”  It has been a part of my pool game repertoire for nearly three decades, and it has never once been a disappointment, always exciting and keeping me on my toes.

For a number of other articles related to pool games and the world of billiards, and to browse our extensive billiard supply and rec room furniture product line, please visit

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Selecting New Billiard & Rec Room Furniture

Choosing new furniture for your home billiard or rec room can be difficult if you do not have a starting point.  Do you want a row of bar stools along the wall next to the pool table, or would you rather reserve that space for darts?  Do you want a theme-based billiard room, such as poker and Texas Hold ’em, or a favorite NHL hockey team logo?  All of these types of questions must be addressed, and many things should be taken into account, including the amount of space available, selecting a possible theme, and even individual personality traits.  Hopefully the following information will help guide you in creating the perfect home rec room.

First and foremost, color coordination is essential for a good-looking rec room.  Consider the overall colors of the room first, such as paint color or floor color and design.  Also factor in the colors and styles of larger pieces of furniture already in the room, like a pool table or bar.  If you own a pool table with red felt, you will not want bright yellow bar stools, unless, of course, you are going for an “Iron Man” theme.  Or if you have a solid wooden oak bar, go with stained solid oak bar stools to match.

Another thing to consider is a possible theme.  Brainstorm your interests.  Do you have a favorite sports team?  How about a southwestern, desert-style motif?  My rec room boasts a St. Louis Cardinals theme, including items such as bar stools, a dart board, a rug, clocks and so on.  With themes, anything is possible, from automotive logos to zodiac signs.

Different colors have different meanings, and keep in mind that this is your rec room, so go with colors that reflect you as a person.  For example, a young, vibrant person may pick blues or oranges, symbolizing youth or vitality, whereas an individual in tune with nature might want some greens.  Below is a list of common colors and the positive feelings with which they are associated:

  • Red – confidence, vitality, action, courage
  • Pink – love, beauty
  • Blue – peace, spirituality, youth
  • Purple – royalty, magic, mystery
  • Green – nature, life, well-being
  • Yellow – happiness, joy, intellectual energy
  • Gold – prosperity, wealth, wisdom
  • Orange – endurance, vitality
  • Brown – order, convention, earth
  • Black – earth, stability
  • White – cleanliness, purity
  • Gray – security, maturity
  • Indigo – intuition, deep contemplation

The mood in your rec room must always remain positive.  Choose colors that best suit you and the atmosphere you wish to project.

You want to make sure not to throw too many items into the mix, though.  Plenty of room should be available to shoot a game of pool or for other activities, plus you definitely want to avoid that cramped and cluttered look.  A set of bar stools and a pub table with a Tiffany sports lamp goes well in the corner, or an NHL neon clock or team logo mirror adds class to any billiard room, taking up absolutely no extra space at all.  Hopefully some of these suggestions have helped in guiding you in the right direction.  Pretty soon you will have your new bar stools, dart board, or other rec room furniture delivered right to your door, and before you realize it, your friends will be sitting at your new pub table while you are grabbing your pool cue off of your new wall rack, showing off your newly decorated rec room with pride.

To view more articles related to rec room furniture ideas, and to browse our wide variety of billiard and rec room furniture and supplies, please visit to see what we can offer you.

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